Middle Mile System Using Delta Robots

Journal of Advanced Technology Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-7, Jun. 2024
10.11111/JATR.2024.9.1.001, Full Text:
Keywords: Middle Mile, logistics, System, Digital Transformation, Delta Robot, UI

This project aims to digitize the tasks in the middle mile, which have been traditionally handled in an analog manner, to enhance efficiency and precision. The middle mile, a term used in the logistics industry, refers to the intermediate stage between the first mile, where products are moved from the manufacturer to the first logistics point, and the last mile, where delivery companies transport packages from the hub to the consumer. Currently, in the middle mile stage, shippers connect with drivers through intermediaries. This process incurs additional costs and time due to the involvement of intermediaries, and leads to extra work due to connections that do not consider the loading position. For instance, if the driver with the cargo loaded at the bottom arrives first, the cargo on top needs to be relocated to access the bottom cargo, resulting in unnecessary labor and time. To address these issues, an integrated system that connects shippers and drivers simultaneously with cargo loading has been developed. Robots, instead of humans, handle sorting and loading tasks to achieve higher efficiency and precision. Additionally, data previously processed in an analog manner has been digitized to establish a systematic logistics management system.

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[IEEE Style]
S. Jung, S. Ahn, S. Lee, Y. Kwon, G. Kim, "Middle Mile System Using Delta Robots," Journal of Advanced Technology Research, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2024. DOI: 10.11111/JATR.2024.9.1.001.

[ACM Style]
SeongJo Jung, SeungChan Ahn, SeungHo Lee, Yuna Kwon, and GyuBin Kim. 2024. Middle Mile System Using Delta Robots. Journal of Advanced Technology Research, 9, 1, (2024), 1-7. DOI: 10.11111/JATR.2024.9.1.001.