Internal Regulations of the Journal Editorial Board
Article 1 (Purpose)
- These internal regulations aim to regulate the details necessary for the composition and operation of the Journal Editorial Board (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") and the publication of journals in accordance with the regulations of the Editorial Board Rules Article 2 Paragraph 1.
Article 2 (Composition)
- The Board shall be composed of the chairman (1) and the vice chairman from each group, and a number of editorial members from each field. The editorial members shall be appointed by the President with the recommendation of the Chairman. The editorial members shall be regular members of the Society who have possessed a doctoral degree for more than 2 years, or those who have an equivalent level of education.
Article 3 (Tenure)
- The tenure of the editorial members of the Board shall be 1 year in principle; however, their tenure may be extended.
Article 4 (Duties)
- The Board shall perform tasks related to assessment, editing, and publication according to the procedures of journal assessment, such as the establishment of guidelines on publishing the regular publications of the journal, the selection of judges for papers, and confirmation of publication of papers. The journal shall be published in computer science & engineering, chemical & materials engineering, mechanical engineering and virtual reality & Human Computer interaction based on the areas and characteristics of the papers, and shall be published every year, for a total of 2 journals per year.
Article 5 (Area)
- The editors of this editorial board are as follows, and the details are in accordance with the guidelines of 'AIM AND SCOPE'.
- - Computer Science & Engineering
- - Chemical & Materials Engineering
- - Mechanical Engineering
- - Virtual Reality & Human Computer interaction
Procedure for Paper Assessment
1. Receive manuscript for paper assessment
- Check the submission area and suitability of the paper submitted
- (Mark submission area, title, abstract, and keywords in Korean and English)
2. Select assessment judges (within 1 week of receiving the paper)
- Within 3 days of receiving the paper, the manager of papers at the Society shall send an email to the editorial chairman of each section of the journal and request the assignment of editorial members to the journal.
- The editorial chairman of each field shall send an email message assigning editorial members to the field pertaining to the submitted paper via online.
- Within 4 days of receiving the email requesting assignment, the appointed editorial members shall select more than 2-3 judges and send an email concerning the assessment request to the judges via online.
3. Request assessment (within 1 week)
- If a judge refuses an assessment or sends a reply to the effect that assessment of a paper will not be possible, select another judge who has not been appointed in order to request assessment of the paper in question.
- If it is not possible to select 2-3 judges from among the judges recommended by the editorial members, request reappointment of the judges to the editorial members, and conduct the request for paper assessment according to the aforementioned procedure via online.
4. Collect assessment results (General assessment : within 21 days / Fast-track assessment : within 15 days)
- If the results of an assessment are not collected within the period of assessment, the Society shall urge the judges to submit the assessment results.
- In the event of a delay of the assessment results (General assessment : over 30 days / Fast-track assessment : over 20 days), dismiss the judges and reappoint other judges to conduct the assessment of the paper in question.
5. Decide on paper assessment
- The editorial members shall manage the assessment process for the papers submitted and receive any opinions of the judges submitted during the period of assessment. Also, they shall deliver the results of an assessment to the editorial chairman so that he or she can decide whether to publish a paper or not.
- The result "resubmit after full revision" refers to a paper for which publication is not possible at the point of assessment. In such a case, the process of paper assessment shall be finished. According to the assessment opinion on the paper, the submitter may fully revise the paper and submit it as a new paper. In such a case, assessment of the newly submitted paper shall be conducted regardless of the previous assessment outcome.
6. Assessment procedure for a paper with the result revise/reassess
- The Society shall notify the author of any revisions suggested by the judges, and have the author submit the revised paper within the deadline (10 days).
- Once a revised paper has been submitted online, reassessment shall be requested by the previous judges.
- If an assessment is not completed within the period of reassessment, the relevant editorial member may make a final decision on whether to publish the paper or not by referring to the revision suggested by the judges and the answers (revised version). In this case, only its outcome shall be notified to the judges.
- A paper can be reassessed a maximum of 4 times. Any paper subject to 5 or more decisions for reassessment shall be assessed by the editorial member in the course of the final assessment.